Sport & Dance Schools

to grow, by giving you exposure, bringing you more students and helping you save time and money!

Sales, marketing and administration

A unique ecosystem, specifically designed for sport and dance schools.

More students

Enjoy the exposure that SPORTDANSIO offers you and keep a central record of all your  sales and marketing activities.


More time

Less boring and repetitive tasks with integrated automation.
More time for the creative and social aspect of the job.

Save money

Enjoy all the benefits paired with this sport and dance ecosystem. From cash rewards to gratis support and advice.

What's not to love about this system?

"SPORTDANSIO aims to become by 2021, the largest ecosystem to help sport and dance schools grow"


I never thought I could have so many pupils.

The (SPORTDANSIO) system and methodology have helped me get bigger. From 6 to 8 students in a group, I was able to teach several groups of 25 students and more. Support is great and it is nice to have a single point of contact so I can spend more time working on the content of my lessons.

Krav Maga Instructor


I have now more energy to spend with the children

Since I started using this system I can spend more time on the creative side of my job. Children are an inexhaustible source of creativity, now I have the time and the energy to focus on the creative side of my passion.

Ballet Teacher

Would you like to get more students, automate your administration and save time and money?